Statutes and Rules
See the Act 250 Statute (10 V.S.A. Chapter 151) for detailed information about the provisions of the law, including the Act 250 criteria. The Act 250 Rules, promulgated by the Natural Resources Board, provide additional guidance regarding the implementation of the law, including the Act 250 application and hearing process. The Environmental Citations Rules address the issuance of citations to resolve violations of the statute, rules, and permits under the jurisdiction of the Natural Resources Board.
Prior versions of the Act 250 Statute and Act 250 Rules are also available on the Archived Statute and Rules page.
Guidance, Polices, and Procedures
For a better understanding of the interpretation, application, and administration of the Act and Rules, see our the Guidance, Policies, and Procedures page.
The District Commission Training Manual includes a chapter describing each of the Act 250 criteria and sub-criteria in detail, including the statutory language of each criterion or sub-criterion, the analysis conducted by the Commission, and relevant caselaw citations.