If you need assistance or have questions about filling out the application, we encourage you to schedule a pre-application meeting with the Act 250 District Coordinator, who will discuss your project with you and provide guidance on filling out the required forms. If you feel you need more substantial support, you are welcome to hire a private Act 250 consultant.
General Act 250 Application Submission Guidelines
Applicants must submit the electronic application through the portal (see below), all accompanying electronic documents (including any site plans) through our FTP site (see below), and the fee check to the designated District Office, when an application fee is due. The electronic files populate the Act 250 Database, which facilitates applicants', state agency staff's, and the general public's access to Act 250 documents and record information.
A. Act 250 Application Guide
- Act 250 Application Guide: Applicants should use this guide for specific instructions on how to fill in the application, which is particularly helpful for first-time applicants. The application guide also includes contact information for our and other organizations.
- Additional Resources: Applicants should consult this page for additional useful information.
- Our Quick Guides are also handy visual references:
B. Submitting the Application
- Act 250 Application:
- NRB landing page at anrOnline: Select, access, and submit the applicable Act 250 application through this site: there are four applications to choose from, some requiring prior authorization. You will need to log in with user ID and password or create an account to do so.
- Exhibits:
- Exhibit list form:
- Exhibit list: Download, complete, and submit it to our ftp site, Global Scape, as directed in the application and Application Guide.
- Application Signature Page form:
- Application Signature Page form: Download, complete, and submit it to our ftp site, Global Scape, as directed in the application and Application Guide.
- Municipal and School Impact Questionnaire forms: Depending on your application, you may be required to submit one or both of the following:
- Municipal Impact Questionnaire: If required, download, complete, and submit it to our ftp site, Global Scape, as directed in the application and Application Guide.
- School Impact Questionnaire: If required, download, complete, and submit it to our ftp site, Global Scape, as directed in the application and Application Guide.
- Depending on your application, you may be required to submit other forms and exhibits as indicated within the application form. Links are contained therein.
3. More than 50 adjoiners associated with your project:
- 50+ Adjoiner List: If there are more than 50 adjoiners for your project, use this spreadsheet; download, complete, and submit it to our ftp site, Global Scape, along with your other supporting documents.
4. Application Fees:
- These will be calculated directly in the Schedule A portion of the application.
- If you need assistance with the application and accompanying forms, please contact your Act 250 District Office.
- Schedule G "Notice of Initial Application Filing" is now distributed by the District Offices on behalf of the applicant.
C. Submitting Post-Construction Form "Certification of Actual Construction Costs"
Within 1 month after construction has been substantially completed, you must submit a completed Certificate of Actual Construction Costs (CACC) form.
- You can access and submit this CACC form through the NRB landing page at anrOnline.
- If you need assistance with the CACC form, please contact us at NRB.General@vermont.gov.
D. Party Status Petition Form
Use the Party Status Petition Form as a guide to draft a written party status petition or to request a hearing on an application that has been designated as a "minor" by the District Environmental Commission.