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RE: Fairfield Associates, Inc., Land Use Permit #4C0570-EB, Memorandum of Decision: Reconsideration Request, Docket #220 (Jan. 23, 1985) 4c0570-eb-recon-mod.pdf (80.43 KB) Decisions January 23, 1985 PDF
RE: Berlin Associates, Amended Land Use Permit #5W0584-2-EB, Docket #237 (Jan. 23, 1985) 5w0584-2-eb-lup.pdf (132.99 KB) Decisions January 23, 1985 PDF
RE: Berlin Associates, Land Use Permit Application #5W0584-2-EB, Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Order, Docket #237 (Jan. 23, 1985) 5w0584-2-eb-fco2.pdf (187.64 KB) Decisions January 23, 1985 PDF
RE: UniFirst Corporation, Declaratory Ruling #166, Memorandum of Decision, DR#166 (Feb. 20, 1985) dr166-mod.pdf (46.96 KB) Decisions February 20, 1985 PDF
RE: Ronald E. Tucker, Declaratory Ruling #165, Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Order, DR#165 (Feb. 27, 1985) dr165-fco.pdf (129.58 KB) Decisions February 27, 1985 PDF
RE: Fly-In Corporation, Land Use Permit #5W0147-3-EB, Docket #247 (Feb. 27, 1985) 5w0147-3-eb-lup.pdf (30.94 KB) Decisions February 27, 1985 PDF
RE: Fly-In Corporation, Land Use Permit Application #5W0147-3-EB, Chair's Proposed Decision, Docket #247 (Feb. 27, 1985) 5w0147-3-eb-cpd.pdf (39.96 KB) Decisions February 27, 1985 PDF
RE: Berlin Associates, Ltd., Land Use Permit Amendment #5W0584-2-EB (Revised), Docket #250 (Mar. 6, 1985) 5w0584-2-eb-revised-lup.pdf (41.35 KB) Decisions March 6, 1985 PDF
RE: Berlin Associates, Ltd., Land Use Permit #5W0584-2-EB, Memorandum of Decision, Motions to Alter Decision, Docket #250 (Mar. 6, 1985) 5w0584-2-eb-mta-mod.pdf (87.22 KB) Decisions March 6, 1985 PDF
RE: Thomas E. Swim and James Castle d/b/a The Callahan Oil Co. / Grampy's, Petition for Revocation of Land Use Permit #2W0573, Dismissal Order, Docket #243 (Mar. 19, 1985) 2w0573-dis.pdf (25.61 KB) Decisions March 19, 1985 PDF